Sunday, July 6, 2008

every day is different!

Well, it's the end to another long week.

I think back and I wonder what I actually did. Camp was a little crazy this week but when is it not. Everyday my love for these kids grows. The times of anger and tears and the fact that the just don't listen all the time is nothing compared to every smile, every laugh, and every simple little question! Those moments fill my heart with so much joy.

This weekend was super restful and so needed. No camp on friday because of the 4th of July. We spent saturday going to the movies and then went to downtown Hartford to watch the fireworks( they do fireworks the saturday after the 4th out weird) I met so many people this weekend and had great conversations with people! I love it here!

This week is my week to plan camp. I stayed up pretty late the other night just preparing my bible stories and the skits for the week. I am really excited for this. Please pray that the week goes well.

In our debrief exercise tonight Jim layed out a bunch of pictures on a table. He asked us What we felt like God was asking us to give up to draw nearer to him. We do this every week with a different question each time but this one really got to me. I had a really hard time picking a picture. Eventually I picked a picture of a set of keys. No, God is not asking me to give up my keys. Its really hard to explain even now but I feel like God is asking me to give up control. He is asking me to pull over and give him control of the "car"
Haha I could make this really cheesey and title this update as "Jesus take the wheel" but I wont.

I have noticed that there are just some days that I wonder what God is doing in my life. There are days where I feel like I have learned very little but then there are nights like tonight where God asks me to give up control.

Busy week ahead! please continue to pray for me and my team!

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