Saturday, June 14, 2008


Oh man! Last night was the best night of sleep I have had since being here! Yesterday was so overwhelming. There was a lot to do and a lot to learn and we were all exhausted. Praise God for the ability to rest and wind down! This has been a long week for sure! We are all pretty drained.

We learned more about the camp we will be learning! It sound's amazing!
Basically it's going to be a 3-4 hour day camp and each intern will be like a group leader for about hopefully ten kids. We are going to be doing games, devotions, memory verses, bible stories and a bunch of other fun things!

We spent a few hours in the city today just meeting families and interacting with new people. I love it! These people are amazing and to a point more approachable than some people in San Diego.

Right now is our sabbath time. We are not allowed to work on any camp stuff or anything HCM related...we are all pretty lost on what to do. I have not set up a time to just rest in so long. I don't know what to do with myself haha

Prayer request- Please just pray that more kid's will sign up for camp. Pray that we can show these kids that people do love them and do care about them. Pray that they may come to understand what Christ did for us and that their lives be changed by it!

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