Sunday, June 15, 2008

The end of week one

I can't believe I have been here for a week already! The community has been amazing.

Today was just not my day. I fell down the stairs when we were leaving for church. Ow! The left side of my body is a little sore. And lets just say that it is kinda hard to sit right now haha. Oh yeah I was wearing a skirt too! Later I cut my middle finger opening up a new Venus razor I bought. Yeah my hand slipped and the tip of my finger is kinda flat now and not to mention throbbing. Awesome.

Today we went to an African American Baptist church. It was one of the first all African American churches in Hartford. It was really cool. Totally different but worth the experience. They had us stand up and introduce ourselves to the church. It was really welcoming. It was such an awesome thing to experience such a welcoming community of believers.

We had bbq for Josh, one of the graduating seniors who lives upstairs. It was a lot of fun just hanging out with everyone who lives in the house and all of the kids.

We had our weekly debrief and prayer after the bbq. I didn't realize until tonight how much God has already changed me. My dreams and desires for the future are changing.I don't know exactly what that looks like yet but something inside of me is changing. I can't wait to see what else he has in store for me.

I should be getting to bed. <3

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